PEAMP and CAPE launch two maps, and demand that the City of Montreal immediately adopt measures to counter the housing crisis!

The Parc-Extension Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (PEAMP) and the Comité d’action de Parc-Extension (CAPE) are launching two interactive maps today. The first map highlights the evolution of evictions in Parc-Extension since 2017, with data collected by CAPE. The second map shows struggles led in the neighbourhood to counter the housing crisis and its numerous consequences, including interviews with community groups and documentation on recent mobilizations and actions.

A public projection will take place on Thursday, November 4th from 6:30-7:30pm, in front of Parc Metro station, to present the two maps, as well as demands addressed by PEAMP and CAPE to the City of Montreal and the provincial government. The two groups notably demand the acquisition of 700 Jarry West by the City, so that the Coop Un Monde Uni can build social housing and community spaces there, a relocation plan for the groups that will be evicted from the William-Hingston centre in 2022, a lease registry and the construction of more social and community housing.

Check out our guides to stimulate public discourse on the housing crisis

People and organizations who would like to add content in the second map can contact us at the following email address:

The tenants of Parc-Extension, the neighbourhood’s community groups and their allies will not give up in the face of the housing crisis!